Passiflora tetrandra - kohia, NZ passionfruit (vine)
Peperomia tetraphylla - peperomia (epiphyte)
Peraxilla tetrapetala - pikirangi, red mistletoe (mistletoe)
"tetra" means "four" when used in the formation of compound words. The people who named these species were giving us clues by describing their features. So what does each mean?
Passiflora tetrandra = four stamens
Peperomia tetraphylla = four-leaved
Peraxilla tetrapetala = four-winged
So what about the meaning of the genus names? Well according to the NZ Plant Conservation Network:
Peperomia is from the Greek peperi (pepper) and homoios (resembling), referring to its resemblance to a true pepper (to which it is closely related)
Passiflora simply means "passion flower"
But I haven't yet found information for the meaning of Peraxilla - does anyone out there have information??